Core Values

01 Givers Gain®

Givers Gain is the underlying philosophy of BNI. We exemplify that by giving business to others; you will get business in return. 


02 Life Long Learning

We believe in the continuous improvement of personal and professional skills. BNI provides a variety of opportunities to support lifelong learning through trainings, workshops, BNI members only webinars and podcasts, and much more! 


03 Traditions & Innovation

Traditions in an organziation tells us where we come from and lays the foundation of who we are, but we must always be looking for ways to innovate.


04 Positive Attitude

BNI provides an environment that enables you to surround yourself with people who want to help you succeed. 

05 Building Relationships

Networking is more about farming connections with new contacts than hunting for them. People want to do business with people they know and trust. It's about cultivating those relationships. 


06 Accountability

If you want to have a powerful personal network, you must have accountability. 


07 Recognition

It's important to recognize those who are contributing.

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